Dear Parents/Guardians,
We would like to invite you all to a 'Coffee Morning' for parents/guardians on March 31st from 11:30 - 12:30pm in the P.E hall.
All are welcome to come along to have a chat and meet with others in our school community over some tea/coffees and biscuits!
Our school is working hard to promote positive wellbeing for all of our students, staff and parents this year. We hope that this event will be a nice way for parents/guardians to gather together before the Easter holidays.
We are currently working towards achieving 'The Amber Flag' for our school. This flag recognises the efforts of schools that create safe, healthy and inclusive environments that support wellbeing for all. You can read more information about our efforts to achieve the Amber Flag on our website
The Amber Flag Committee and the P.A.C. are working together to host this coffee morning. We really hope that you can come along!
Many thanks for your support,
Kind Regards,
Amber Flag Committee and P.A.C.