Our School Team

GETNS has a wonderful, dynamic and child-centred team of teachers, SNAs, administrators and caretakers.

Our In School Management Team

Principal Helen McClelland
Acting Principal Gráinne McGillycuddy
Acting Deputy Principal Aisling Donnelly
SENCO Angelina O’Reilly & Aisling Donnelly
Kate Raleigh Jacqui Dunne
Marie-Ruth Coughlan Ciara Fagan
Fiona Prunty Emmett Hickey

Our Class Teachers 2024/25

Junior Infants
Sarah Butler
Paula Cunniffe

Senior Infants
Drew Mahler
Aisling Ennis

1st Class
Lynn O'Shea
Emma Sexton/ Esther Luttig

2nd Class
Fiona Prunty
Keith Cowzer
Rebecca Whelan

3rd Class
Leah Kavanagh
Jennifer McHugo

4th Class
Sean Corcoran
Clare Milne
Alison Murray

5th Class
Marianne Brennan
Emer Mullarky

6th Class
Ciara Fagan
Emmett Hickey/ Kate Raleigh

Special Classes
Aoife Ferris
Naomi Ireland

Our Special Education Teaching Team 2024/25

Junior and Senior Infants

Angelina O'Reilly/ Jacqui Dunne

Aisling Donnelly

1st and 2nd Class

Grace Sexton/ Nadine Garnatz

Megan Blackbyrne

Gill Finny

3rd and 4th Class

Anne Boyle

Sinead Halpenny

5th and 6th Class

Maria Montanes Vilegas

Marie-Ruth Coughlan

Our SNA Team

Fionnuala Matthews Di Mahon
Noreen O’Donnell Anne Gallagher
Sandra Finlay Mulligan Jill Menzell
Audrey Dalton Joan Murray
Margaret Loughran Dara Gallanagh
Cliodna O’Neill Rose Harte
Janey O'Halloran

Our Office and Administration Team

Liz Knight Ciara O'Toole

Our Caretaking Team

Philip Cahill Vincent McGarry
Feb 10
Cyber Safety Week
Feb 14
Valentines Cake Sale
Feb 17
Midterm Break!
Feb 26
Swimming - Jen 3rd Class & Alison's 4th Class
Blacklion, Greystones, Co. Wicklow, A63 YE36
© 2025 Greystones Educate Together NS